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Know before you go

ShopAid is bringing store inventory and local shopping into your living room

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Some of our best features

See Stock level

We find the stores that carry the majority of your shopping list

Check Crowd level

We inform you of peak hours to help you with social distancing

Know Travel Time

We find you the fastest route to minimise time spent travelling

How it works 

Choose your location

You list the items required on ShopAid - to help you plan well and avoid panic buying. Based on your location, ShopAid shows the approximate stock availability of your items in all stores nearby. There’s also live information of how busy a store is, and the travel time for different modes of transport. 

View the list of stores and their current stock level

You can decide which stores to go to based on these valuable insights, all on one page. You will also be able to see the stock level of items on your list.

When you are checking off your shopping list in the store, you can contribute and help other shoppers by providing stock level information easily. You earn points to recognize your contribution to the local community.


We've Come a Long Way

to save the shopper at a time :)

FPO All around the world, our team came together with one mission in mind: making shopping experiences easy, fast, and safe. We have all faced this problem where you travel to a grocery store to buy milk but when you get there, they are all sold out. Wouldn't it be nice to know before you go - to be able to see stock inventory from a comfort of your living room? And so ShopAid was born. It’s a tool for people to help each other shop confidently and efficiently anytime. And in this unprecedented pandemic, it can help us limit travel and in-person interaction as much as possible.


Be in Touch

We want to hear from you!

Tel: +44 7861 432657 | email:

UK, Guildford

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